Friday, February 28, 2014

#5: Go to a Comedy Show; #6: Meet Someone Famous

Remember that one time I went almost three weeks between blog posts? Because I don't (wink wink).

But in all seriousness, I'm back after an unplanned hiatus! I apologize to the - 4 people that read this blog. To put it simply, I was off the Internet machine because my depression flared up (that makes it sound like it's a rash or a bad case of cystic acne, but lol), and when it does that, I try to stay off social media/electronics in general. Instead, I watched television and read a few books (expect a blog post on that).

Anywaaaaaay, I am able to cross two things off my 101 in 1001 list, which is why I'm writing. On Tuesday, the 25th, I saw Colleen Ballinger's Miranda Sings show, and met her for the second time (with more than 1.345 million combined subscribers, I consider her pretty famous).

For anyone who doesn't know, Miranda Sings is a character created by the lovely Colleen Ballinger, poking fun at Internet singers and those trying to acquire fame via YouTube. Don't let Miranda's atrocious singing fool you, though. Colleen is a very talented singer herself, and earned a degree in Vocal Performance from Azusa Pacific University. Colleen also has a YouTube channel, entitled Psychosoprano, which has nearly half a million subscribers (I actually like Colleen more than Miranda, don't tell on me).

Colleen's channel:
Miranda Sings:

The show was FANTASTIC. I saw the show last April, but so many things were different. That's one of the great things about the Miranda shows, they're always evolving, but still incredibly entertaining. This time, I was able to meet the majority of Colleen's family (Rachel, Chris, Jess, Bailey, Jacob, and Parker), whereas last I only met Josh (not complaining, though!)

Here are some pictures (I took these all with my iPhone, so I apologize for the cringe-worthy quality):



She sang Love is an Open Door from Frozen with Jake. 


I love how Colleen incorporated her awkward childhood pictures, as she calls them, into the show.

Anti Porn Unicorn Horn

She literally took the shirt I bought out of my hands and started signing it. Precious.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Liebster Award

Guess what?! I've been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Marlee from marleeandyou. For those of you unfamiliar with this award (I was until just a few minutes ago), it's basically a way to promote new and/or small blogs. I think it's genius. It's a great way to make connections and build community.


1. You must link back to the person who nominated you and answer the 11 questions they asked you with their nomination.

2. You must pick 11 nominees and tell them that they've been nominated. You cannot pick the person who nominated you.

3. You must ask your nominees the 11 questions of your choice.

My answers to Marlee's questions

1. Why did you start your blog?

I initially started my blog to write, as simple as that is. I needed a creative outlet.

2. Favorite nail polish color?

Black. Love me some black nail polish.

3. Country or city?

I like both. Can I pick both? I love the hustle and bustle of the city, and all the opportunities that comes with it. But I also like the calm of the country. It's simple and there's something special about that.

4. What would be the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery?

Travel, hands down. I'd take my cousin to Disney World, go to Europe, see the Pyramids. Then I'd take whatever's left over and move to Los Angeles. Zing.

5. Best girl's night treat?

Romantic comedies and ice cream.

6. What's your all-time favorite movie?

Ahh, this is a tough one for me. There are so many films I love. The one that has the most sentimental value/the one that has influenced me the most is definitely Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. It launched my interest and love for acting, so I owe a lot to it. Lololol that was super cheesy. I also love Argo, all Disney classics/Pixar movies, 13 Going on 30Titanic, Bridesmaids.

7. Cat or dog?

Cat. With the exception of the Siberian Husky that I've wanted for 10 years.

8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

This is a toss-up between Paris, London, and Los Angeles. Probably Paris.

9. Favorite quote? 

"If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough."

10. Favorite YouTube personality?

Colleen Ballinger, aka psychosoprano. She also has a famous character, Miranda Sings, but I like Colleen more. I actually met her back in April; I sobbed, it was an amazing night. I'm seeing her again at the end of the month. I'll probably cry some more.

11. What's your favorite thing about blogging?

I love that I'm able to be creative and just write. I used to write all the time as a kid (I have several unpublished novels, nbd) and I'd forgotten how much I missed it until I started this blog. It's fun, I don't know.

I Nominate:

My Questions to You

1. What's your dream job?
2. Why did you start your blog?
3. Favorite Disney movie/princess/character?
4. Favorite song at the moment?
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
6. Mountains or beach?
7. Favorite food?
8. Where do you most want to travel?
9. Harry Potter or The Hunger Games?
10. Who's your favorite celebrity?
11. Who would you most like to meet from history?

Don't forget to add the Liebster Award badge to your blog!