Saturday, January 18, 2014

#2: Start a Blog

I should not have included this on my 101 in 1001 list. Just like my Gossip Girl challenge, this was another lazy cop-out I took because I couldn't come up with ideas. I mean, I was already kind of blogging, right?

Anyway, when I first started this blog I wasn't intending on using it regularly. It was appropriately named "I'm Not Good at Naming Things", because I'm not. I honestly made it just because I could. 

Last night, however, as I was writing my Gossip Girl post, I realized just how fun it was. I'd forgotten how much I'd enjoyed writing, and I vowed to make blogging a hobby of mine. 

First step? Coming up with a blog name that didn't scream laziness. It took a while; each blog name I came up with was already taken by someone else, and I was running short on ideas. I wanted to somehow incorporate my name, similar to how Zoella named hers. Eventually I came up with Miss Automne, reminiscent of how one of my mother's best friends called me Miss Autumn as a young lass. Miss Automne.

omg autumn u spelled ur own name rong 

No, I didn't. Automne is French for Autumn. I've been obsessed with French culture since I was 11 years old, and, as Miss Autumn was already taken, I figured it was the only way to go. 

Look out, world, Autumn's blogging now. 

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